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Life After Loss Academy

Grief to Growth Coach + Speaker + Podcaster + Author

Who I Am and What I Do

I am Michelle Haughton, a Grief to Growth Coach, public speaker, and the founder of Life After Loss Academy. My expertise lies in assisting women business owners in channeling their pain into power, self-doubt into confidence, and trauma into triumph. I have successfully coached women entrepreneurs in overcoming childhood trauma, enabling them to rediscover their inner strength.

I am fortunate

to have worked with these companies

WW (Weight Watchers)

Global Grief Network Convention

Hey Sis!

What My Clients Say

Thanks for the help. Loving our sessions, in such a short time everything has changed. Thanks again ~J.P.

Michelle Haughton is my life coach!! I love working with her, she is on point and is able to lead me in my path. She understands where I am coming from and where I am going. If you are looking for someone to help you get your body and mind healthy she is someone that can help!!!! ~P.M.

Get in Touch

Email: mhaughton.griefcoach@gmail.com

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